
Start the vehicle with an optional configuration setting. For EVs, this only starts with air conditioning.

start(startConfig: VehicleStartOptions): Promise<string>


hvacstringTurn on the HVAC
durationstringHow long to run the vehicle's engine (max 10)
temperatureintegerTemp in Fahrenheit for the HVAC
defrostbooleanTurn on defrosters and side mirrors
heatedFeaturesbooleanHeated features like the steering wheel and rear window
unitstringUse celcius or farenhight for HVAC temp

Code Examples

How to start an ICE vehicle with the HVAC set to 70F for 10 minutes.

const BlueLinky = require("bluelinky");

const client = new BlueLinky({
  username: '',
  password: 'hunter1',
  brand: 'hyundai',
  region: 'US',
  pin: '1234'

client.on("ready", async () => {
  const vehicle = client.getVehicle("5NMS55555555555555");
  const response = await vehicle.start({
    airCtrl: false,
    igniOnDuration: 10,
    airTempvalue: 70,
    defrost: false,
    heating1: false,